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Improve Your Health with a Water Purification System

Discover How Clean Water Can Improve Your Skin, Hair, and Essential Functions

Improve Your Health with a Water Purification System

Drinking from store-bought water bottles is a good solution in the short-term for clean water, but in the long-term, installing a water purification system is the way to go if you want to be kinder to the environment. A Pure365 water purification system removes chemical contaminants, toxic chemicals, and pathogenic bacteria from your tap water using reverse osmosis technology. This means that your water is cleaned by forcing each individual water molecule through a semi-permeable membrane, filtering out contaminants and leaving crystal-clear drinking water.

A water purification system for your Miami, FL home can significantly improve your overall health and wellness. Want to learn how? Keep reading.

TAGS: air purification system | smart home automation

3 Signs It’s Time for an Upgraded Home Network Installation

Lagging Connection, Dead Zones, and Old Equipment Will Keep You from Thriving Online

3 Signs It’s Time for an Upgraded Home Network Installation

Think about how many devices you have connected to your home network. There is your smartphone, your laptop, your high-definition streaming services, all your smart technology… the list can go on. Is your network up to the task to support all these devices and more? How do you know when it’s time for an upgrade? Read our blog to learn three signs that point to the need for an upgraded home network installation in your Miami, FL property.

TAGS: home network setup | home networking

Enhance the Aesthetic of Your Home with Smart Home Design

Learn How Technology Can Make Your Home in West Palm Beach More Stylish

Enhance the Aesthetic of Your Home with Smart Home Design

Your home is your sanctuary, and it should be both functional and beautiful. You can show off your personal style with décor, but what about your home’s technology? It can interfere with the look you are going for. Thankfully, this problem can be mitigated with a smart home design. Read our blog to learn how a well-thought-out smart home design can maintain your home's aesthetic in West Palm Beach, FL, while also delivering high-quality performance for easier, more comfortable living.

TAGS: smart home automation | whole home automation

3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Control4 Whole-House Automation

Utilize Your System to the Fullest with These Tips

3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Control4 Whole-House Automation

Control4 is a leader in the home automation industry due to its reliability and intuitive control options, among many other reasons. If you invest in a Control4 system, you should ensure that you are getting the most out of it as possible. Control your home from anywhere globally, create customized smart home scenes, and keep an eye on your home while away.

Get more out of the Control4 whole-house automation system in your Fort Lauderdale, FL home with these three tips!

TAGS: Control4 Dealer | Smart Home Automation