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A Day in the Life with Circadian Lighting

Promote Health and Wellness in Your Home with Smart Circadian Lighting

A Day in the Life with Circadian Lighting

Did you know that the lighting in your home can impact your mood and wellness? Harsh, stagnant lightingcan be hard on your eyes and negatively impact your state of mind (and even your health). Fortunately, plenty of smart technologies incorporate wellness solutions to make your home life more comfortable. 

Circadian lightingis an electronic light solution designed to mimic the sun’s colortemperature and brightness patterns from morning to night tobenefit your biological and emotional health and overall wellbeing indoorsKeep reading to find out what a day in your Miami, FL home can look like with circadian lighting. 

SEE ALSO: Enhance Your Home with a Lighting Control System



How you start your morning greatly impacts how you feel throughout the rest of the day. As the sun begins to rise, the lights in your bedroom will automatically fade up and match the warm hues of the sunrise. The lights will gently wake you up instead of jolting awake to an alarm clock blaring on your nightstand. Circadian lighting allows you to rise more naturally and peacefully so that you can start your day off on the right foot. 

Once you make your way to your bathroom, your light fixtures will turn on with the same warm lighting as your bedroom. Your body will slowly start to realize that your day has started and your energy levels will increase.


Now that we’re living in the age of remote work, it’s more important than ever to avoid the dreaded afternoon slump. Did you know that there are various studies of work performance showing that those exposed to the most natural light tend to perform better on tests of mental function and memory recall?

Because circadian lighting taps into the proven cycles our bodies follow each day, your lighting will slowly shift towards a brighter, bluer tone as the afternoon approaches. This blue light stimulates your body to be more energetic and productive, helping you avoid that second (or third, or fourth) cup of coffee. 


When it’s time to leave your home office and close the door on the workday, your overhead lights will gradually dim and warm to mimic the hues of sunset.Enjoy low-level lighting while you sip on a glass of wine and cook dinner. After dinner, your candlelight-huelights create the perfect atmosphere for a few hours of relaxation before finally getting ready for bed. Once you’re in bed and ready for sleep, your lights will automatically shut off.

If you’re ready to promote wellness in your home and install circadian lighting in your space, BDigital Technologies is prepared to help. Start the process today by giving us a call, filling out our online contact form, or chatting with an expert in the pop-up chat box below. We look forward to working with you!

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